Mental Health Help In Bacolod City and Where to Find It

DISCLAIMER: If you're suffering from Mental Illness and are hoping to find tips and tricks on how to handle them - this isn't the place for it, HOWEVER, if you're from Bacolod City and are looking for a good place to find help - then please read on as this post is made especially for you!

If you're not looking into reading all of this, I'll be writing down a list of things in summary for you at the bottom of this entry.

    Prior to Madame Corona coming to all of our towns, my mental health was in a steady decline. A lot of things has happened and I've been off my medication for Bipolar (Also known as Manic Depression) Disorder for around 5 years. I've been battling these demons by the use of exercise, proper diet and proper sleeping habits as well as making sure the environment I was in was stable and as far from toxic as possible.

    Let's just say that things started getting worse as I've completely neglected my environment from things I couldn't really control and things that I knew I had to deal with, long term.

    As my mother laid to rest and my father had fallen into his demons before heading back to the States, I've been left with responsibilities that had really eaten away at my mental health. On July 13, 2020 - I've decided to get the help that I needed after my Mental Health plummeted severely.

    How do I get help? Well, I turned to Google, of course!

    Lo and behold, I couldn't find anything and IF I did, I was met with phone lines being unanswered or assistants telling me they couldn't accommodate me i.e, they handled kiddies and not grown ladies. I was desperate enough to think that I could always go back to my pricey doctor that turned me away after I ran to her for help during the raw days of my mothers passing.

    I live in the lovely sugar bowl of the Philippines, Bacolod City. I looked high and low on the internet for any help that I could find and I had a full blown mental breakdown because I just couldn't find anything at all. Me, living alone, manic and depressive episodes spiking and shooting through the roof with no one to turn to and a loving partner trying his best to support and calm me all the way from Davao City.

    On the brink of giving up, my Facebook Messenger pinged and my best friend all the way back in High School messaged me simply asking if I was alright and if there was anything she could do to help as I've been posting on my social media, out of frustration and desperation.

    Little did I know what Yvonne, my best friend, could do for me. She lives a married, happy life in Alaska with her wonderful husband - but she had pulled strings, contacted people and gave me the help I needed in a matter of minutes from her panic that I was sinking ever further into the dark hole that is Mental Illness.

    With her help, I managed to get booked for a consultation. You want to know where?

    You ready for this?

    Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital, also known as CLMMRH. A mouthful, I know. The reason as to why I was so shocked in the first place was because I've driven through this hospital, grew up real close to it and I had absolutely no idea that they had a Mental Health Unit. At all! No articles leading to it that come up every time I search for Mental Health Clinic or Psychiatrists Near Me - NONE. They all point to the same people that didn't answer their phones, didn't want to help or would point me back to my old doctor.

    This is why I've decided to make this blog post. I want to help other people in the City of Bacolod to find the help that you may need in your most vulnerable moment. We're currently stuck at home with fears of catching COVID-19. We're left to our own devices and our own thoughts. These days are dark and lonely and for people, like myself, who suffer alone and in silence - it's not healthy nor is it a good feeling to be alone. So if you're here because you're looking for a place to find help - I'll be documenting everything I know from procedures, prices and what to expect when you go to CLMMRH. I've got you and I hope this can help ease your anxieties, fears and worries.

    Let's start.

    You need to contact the Section of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine and book and appointment. This is the first, most important step to get help. As soon as you contact them, you'll receive a text from them, informing you of your Psych Consultation, date and time. All you need to do is respond to the text with your (patient) name to confirm your appointment. Below is the number to contact them.

    Please note that you cannot enter if you're not wearing a mask. They don't accept cloth masks so be aware of that.

    When I had asked for help, someone had done it for me. It was around July 31, 2020. They asked me to go to their clinic on this day - August 5, 2020. The sooner you contact them, the better.

    A day before your schedule, you will receive a text to remind you of your consultation - in case you've forgotten.

    On the morning of August 5th, I woke up as early as I could but ran a little short. Why? Parking space. If you're going in there with a vehicle of any sort, you have to go in early to snag a spot. If you're going via public transportation, this shouldn't be a problem. I had to park outside as I was 5 minutes late from the 8 AM schedule (I had a hard time waking but that's neither here nor there).

    As soon as I parked, you have to go through the entrance, get your temperature checked and your bag checked. Security will ask you where you're going. Just say you're headed to the Mental Health Unit and they'll point you in the right direction.

    This place was a lot bigger than I imagined as I've never really been inside myself even when I've been living in the Bacolod for a great majority of my life but then again - I've always been a shut in.

    When you enter, you should go to your left. Most of what you can see is a parking lot. There should be a tiny little checkpoint with a guard. Feel free to ask for directions - these people are terribly nice and will be happy to point you in the direction you need to go. Once you find the curve (to your right), head straight and you'll find one big tan-ish in color building to your right and a few tiny buildings to your left. Head left and you'll find another tiny guard house (very small, nearest the parking areas to your left). From here, you can just head to your left and that's where the Mental Health Unit is found. If you're lost - please don't be afraid to ask around. If my explanation is as awful as I think it is, here's a screen shot with a clearer picture of where you need to go!

    Now you'll find yourself by windows and a row of plastic chairs against the wall, one window is cracked open, acting as a desk for questions. Just peek in and ask for your consultation. If you're scheduled, they'll ask you to fill up a tiny form - Name, Age, Address, Gender, Signature. They did just ask me to sign the tiny form but I decided to fill it up anyways, just to save time.

    Just sit about and wait for your name to be called. Once they call you in, you'll be asked a few COVID related questions. Please answer truthfully. They'll then proceed to take your blood pressure, your temperature, your weight and height. Afterwards, they'll give you a slip for payment. Consultation fee had me shook - it's the cheapest I've ever seen considering I've been going to a doctor before. From my old fee of 800/1k to a surprising P150.

    Now, normally there is an area that you go to for payment. Remember that tall, tan building I was talking about? Yeah. Head towards that. A guard will be there to ask what your business is and just show the slip for payment - they should show you inside. The cashier isn't too far from the entrance. Just pay and head back to the office.

    Buuuut if you're unlucky, like myself, and the cashier isn't available - they'll ask you to go to the front area of the hospital and pay in a different cashier. You can ask for directions but I'll go ahead and try to write it down here to the best of my ability.

    Head outside and move to your left. Once you spot a hall to your right, take it. It should lead to a broken walkway going up - ignore that and head towards the bathrooms. Pass the bathrooms and you should see another hall where a guard is located to your right. Head right and there you'll find the massive waiting area in front of the cashiers. Before you do, there's a desk to your left with a guard. Go over and ask for a waiting number. The guard should hand it to you and all you have to do is sit and wait until your number is flashed on the television above the cashier windows. Pay the amount and back track to the Mental Health Unit.

    Hand over the receipt as proof of payment and the assistant should ask you to sit and wait. For myself, it only took around 30 minutes (give or take) before I was called in.

    You'll have your consultation. The doctor will be asking you questions, medical history (mental health wise), family background, events in your life and the like. My consultation took around an hour as there was a lot to cover for the doctor to give me a proper diagnosis. She gave me my prescription, telling me which ones where for what and what times I needed to take them and I was on my way. Before I headed out, they gave me my medication and my schedule for my follow up appointment. They'll be giving you a slip of paper with their cellphone number that's open 24/7 for concerns and questions. They asked me to fill in a form to rate their service - I happily obliged.

    They gave me one part of my medication and I sat there before I asked if I needed to pay for anything. They gleefully told me "No. They're free. If we have it, we'll provide them for you - no problem." and you cannot believe my surprise.

    As a lot of people know whom had been to Mental Health Clinics and Psych Doctors before - free medication does not happen. Ever. I remember I stopped taking medication because they were far too pricey. So yes - in Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital, if they have the medication you need - they'll give it to you for free.

    Now if they don't have your medication, you can buy them outside the hospital. Just head out and look around and there should be a Mercury Drugstore down the street across the hospital. The rest of the medication I needed cost me around P375.

    After that, I was home free with the help I needed and my anxieties calmed.

    If you're looking for help of the same nature as I, then please don't hesitate to go over to CLMMRH Mental Health Unit. They'd be more than happy to help!

    If you're looking for a short summary and don't want to do the reading, here's a summary of everything I've written:

  • Schedule your Consultation via text through their number: 0942-075-4900
  • You will receive a text in response with your consultation date and time. Reply with your name/patients name to confirm your scheduled consultation
  • You should arrive with a mask due to the COVID crisis. You will not be allowed inside without it.
  • Arrive early. If you're driving or bringing a vehicle of some sort, this is important as you will not find a parking space pass 8 AM.
  • You will find the Mental Health Unit to the left side of the hospital. Ask around for directions if you're having a hard time spotting it.
  • You will be asked for your name once you arrive at the Mental Health Unit Office. They will give you a slip where you need to fill in your Name, Age, Address, Gender and Signature.
  • Hand over the slip and wait for your name to be called.
  • Once your name is called, enter the office and they'll be asking COVID-19 related questions. Please answer truthfully.
  • They'll be taking your temperature, blood pressure, weight and height.
  • They'll be giving you a transaction slip for consultation payment (P150).
  • Head outside the Mental Health Unit area and towards the taller building in front. Enter and pay through the cashier at the end of the entrance hall. Head back to the Mental Health Unit Office.
  • Show the receipt as proof of payment. Sit and wait till your name is called (personally took me 30 minutes).
  • When your name is called, you'll now proceed to your consultation.
  • Your doctor will give you your diagnosis and medical prescription.
  • You will receive the medication you need just outside the doctors office. If they have the medicine you need, you will take them free of charge. If not, you may proceed outside the hospital and across the street to the nearest Mercury Drug Store.
  • Good luck on your recovery!
    That's about it! I hope this helps anyone looking for help! Stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands and good luck!💖

All my Wishes,
